The top area is a header, and for the bottom area it is a footer.
Cant see header and footer in word pdf#
You can add textual information to appear along the top or bottom of your PDF pages in one or more PDF documents. Welcome > PDF Editing > Document operations > Features in Power PDF Advanced > Bates numbering > Dialog boxes and panels > Power PDF > Headers and Footers Headers and Footers Note that operators cannot be used as search terms: + - * : ~ ^ ' " (Example: port~1 matches fort, post, or potr, and other instances where one correction leads to a match.) To use fuzzy searching to account for misspellings, follow the term with ~ and a positive number for the number of corrections to be made.(Example: shortcut^10 group gives shortcut 10 times the weight as group.)
Follow the term with ^ and a positive number that indicates the weight given that term.
Cant see header and footer in word install#
The search also uses fuzzy matching to account for partial words (such as install and installs). If you type more than one term, an OR is assumed, which returns topics where any of the terms are found. The search returns topics that contain terms you enter.